Thursday, November 1, 2012

No Shame November: Intro to Sports

A friend of mine created this writing prompt/experiment/further opportunity to indulge the vanity of most social media, and I have apparently decided that I have the free time to participate. I actually think it's a great idea, and I love having a topic. Here was her initial request:

"No Shame November
I’m trying out an idea for November where you post once a day (or don’t post one day, and post 2 in one day, or post 30 times one day… whatever you want) about one of the topics below. Yes, they are numbered, but no, you don’t have to do them in order.
 Why “no shame,” besides the fact that it sounds good with “November”? Because I want everyone to write about each topic (whether it’s general thoughts or a specific story or “I hate [topic]” or any other way you want to write) COMPLETELY HONESTLY. It can be funny, sincere, psychotic… I don’t care! But there’s no shame. None. If you feel shame, I WILL COME TO YOUR HOUSE AND MURDER YOU."

  1. sports
  2. TV
  3. movies
  4. music
  5. theatre
  6. visual art
  7. books
  8. childhood
  9. high school
  10. family
  11. friendship
  12. sex
  13. love
  14. romance (yes, it’s different than love)
  15. embarrassment
  16. life goals
  17. religion
  18. politics
  19. humor
  20. vanity
  21. hygiene
  22. genitalia
  23. stereotypes
  24. food
  25. animals
  26. the dentist (because everyone has opinions about the dentist)
  27. technology
  28. social media
  29. blogging
  30. pimp a friend/website/organization

I'm not sure that I would go so far as to call myself "shameless", but  I'm certainly not worried about being dishonest or having my writing suffer from a lack of self esteem. Pretension & pomposity will no doubt abound throughout the next 30 topics, which I will do in order, though perhaps not every day.
Also, I'll probably get a picture of my junk in there somewhere.

So, with the introduction out of the way, let's start with number one.


Sports are fun, and you should enjoy them. The worst thing about sports has been their corporatization.
I have absolutely no investment in professional sports. Emotionally, financially, or even racially. That said, I do enjoy having something to watch and root for, even if my support isn't wholehearted. Being caught in the zeal of any moment is usually worthwhile... no it isn't.
I've also learned to taper what used to be an admittedly over-inflated sense of contempt for the fervor surrounding said professional activities, in that they seem to bring great joy (and an enduring masochistic pain) to many that I hold near and dear. If it affects you it affects me, and besides, it would be hypocritical of me to begrudge anyone's proclivities towards what some might find to be a questionable recreational activity...

So, when it comes to sports, or anything else for that matter, I guess I'm pro-choice.
Yes, pro sports are like abortions. I don't really care for them, and they shouldn't be necessary, but if it's going to happen I do like to watch.

Hashtag #Prosportions

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