You're always living in the moment, you just want a different moment.
The world is black & white. People are grey. When you're a child, you see the world as it truly is. Everything is attainable and possible, and all can be accomplished in every different way. As you get older, you begin to see why we had to delineate things. The world had to be separated to the ends of the spectrum to create the basis for structure and communal order, responsibility, laws, religions, and the standards needed to cultivate the drive for accomplishment. It is possible to live in the grey, but it's usually directionless, lonely, and unfulfilling; which isn't necessarily wrong. It's just not progressive, at least not in the way we've come to understand progress.
Hot sauce does make everything better.
Saying out loud how nice or enjoyable things are doesn't ruin the moment. It actually makes it better.
White men are still in charge of everything, they're just pussies now. They're either too afraid to have convictions, too insecure to back them up, too arrogant to change, or too rich to care. I'm not suggesting that they need to return to their old ways, or that white men should hold on to said power. I'm just saying that things are still getting decidedly worse.
I have never met anyone who was detrimental to my personal growth.
Overrated (by our generation): Blogs, The Clash, In-n-Out Burger, Hunter S. Thompson, Anal Sex, Individuality, Edward Norton, Voting, Martinis, Blow Jobs, "Closure"
If you're near a payphone, and it starts to ring, answer it.
Give your parents a break.
There is absolutely nothing that feels better than accomplishment, and it does not require validity. The happiness that follows, however, only survives when it is shared.
Unless they choose otherwise, boys become men, and girls become women. Always.
Michael Jackson was the greatest performer of all time.
Everyone always wants to be cool. Even people who are already cool. Especially people who are already cool. When people try to act uncool, it is a desperate attempt to look cool. People who are uncool are too busy working to worry about seeming cool. Eventually, they will become the people who accomplish things in life, and will possess greater currency than coolness.
I will always pick the grocery cart with the bad wheel(s).
It's not the poor or the weak or the stupid, but the willfully ignorant who have to be left behind.
Underrated (by our generation): Sincerity, Kissing, Public Libraries, Russian novelists, Community (TV), Communities (in general), Country Music, Sam Rockwell, Missionary Position
Victimization is a modern currency, and straight white men don't like being poor.
It's okay to leave the last sip of beer.
Hypocrisy does not negate merit. Catching someone in a lie is no reason to disregard everything they ever have or will say. This is such a deceptively fast moving culture that opinions and accusations have all become based on "gotcha" moments, sound bytes, tabloids and media hype. Someone capable of having differing, even opposing views and opinions is just someone capable of complex thought. I should add 'exposing hypocrisy' as overrated.
There is no need to correct someone unless it is absolutely necessary.
There is no bigger waste of time in life than being apprehensive.
Breathe deep. Drink water. Repeat. It's that simple.